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Transplanting-transplant seedlings you sowed in febuary. Watch for cold weather, transport indoors as needed. Plants ready to sow March 1st are Pansies, Coleus, Dusty Miller, Nicotiana, Pinks, Melampodium, Snaps, and Verbana. Plants ready to sow March 15 are Alyssum, Portulaca, and Salvia.

Watering- If the weather remains cold remember that dryer is better in cold temperatures as weather warms up so does the amount of watering you need to do.

Fertilizing- If plans are normal color no fertilizer is needed. If plants are hardened off and lower leaves are turning yellow fertilize with a soluble 20-20-20 mixing following instructions on container.

Pests- Mites could become a problem this time of year. If you see yellow dots on the leaves shake over white surface or piece of paper. If present use insecticidal soap.

Grooming- Pinch plants that are overly long so new growth can come through.


Planting- Start turfgrass repair this month.

Care- Rake out the lawn if the ground is dry allows for debris from fall and winter to be removed allowing full sun exposure.

Fertilizing- If fertilizer was used last fall it is not needed this spring. If you did not fertilize in the spring then now is a good time to use a turf fertilizer.

Pests- Issues you will see this month will be snow mold, leaf spots, low temperature rhizoctonia. If you have any of thes you may want to overseed to help boost the health of your grass. This is also the time of year to lay down crab grass preventer.


Care- Rake out your shrub beds as soon as there is a mild day.

Watering- Newley planted shrubs will need watered every few weeks existing shrubs should be fine until the late spring/early summer.

Fertilizer- Apply a complete fertilizer such as 10-10-10 1 Pound per 100 sq foot.

Pests- A few pests can be an issue such as, aphids, mites, and scale insects. Use dormant oil on these ( Not on Maples).

Pruning- Continue pruning deciduous shrubs.


Care- A good not for roses is keep them covered until the Forsythia begin to bloom. Being in Northern Indiana most work with roses will start in April.

Fertilizing- If you do uncover roses make sure to fertilize as soon as growth begins with peters or rapid grow.

Pests- Aphids may appear as soon as leaves begin to show, in this situation use a insecticidal soap. Do not leave plants covered too long or canker diseases may occur. If this happens apply triforine fungicide. The final thing to worry about is deer, they will eat them down to the ground, apply a repellent.

Pruning- Winter damage will be apparent on roses prune off the dead branches leaving 3 or 4 healthy ones.


Care- Newly planted trees in exposed locations may need to be staked to keep them from blowing over.

Watering- Thoroughly water all newly planted trees immediately. Established trees do not need water this month.

Fertilize- Spring fertilization of trees promotes vigorous growth. Use a complete 12-12-12 fertilizer and follow instrutions based on tree.

Pests- Aphids, Scales, and mites may appear. Use dormant oild to control them ( follow instructions). Scab is a destructive disease of apples, crabapples, and other rosaceous plants. prevent scab by spraying with copper, chlorothalonil, mancozeb, or thiophanate-methyl fungicide.

McKinley Garden Center

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